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Wednesday, January 27, 2010

How to become famous – 10 ways

Hey people! I am sure the last post was way too sweet as per the regular standrads of KickAss; for it did not go well with the theme. But it was about 6 amazing fiction writers; and they all deserved the special mention; thus Shrikant allowed Guria to go ahead with the post. And now I have been held at gun point to write another KickAss post.

My post on Neha’s Blog was blessed with a lot of limelight due to various reasons. After almost a year of blogging; I realised that receiving 100+ comments is not a difficult task at all. In fact; it is the simple most thing to do. Just follow few simple rules:

1) Choose the topic that has some kind of discriminating factor.

2) Blog hop a lot and leave an “over the board” comment on others’ post. They are bound to visit your page after you have left many praises on their post. If the post favours them, they will praise you back and may add you in their follow list. If they hated your post, they will leave an anonymous comment.

3) Agree with your readers. But ask them questions. They will come back and reply again. The number and length of comments will keep on increasing.

4) Do not write a new post for next seven days.

5) Publish your post at all possible networking sites.

6) After three days, once the traffic starts decreasing; blog hop again, leave a nice comment, call the blog owner intelligent, leave your post link and ask for his views on it.

7) After another day, follow step two again.

8) Next day, follow step three.

9) All this while, you only keep posting anonymous comment on your post that is opposing and replying to others. Enjoy the game being played among your readers.

10) In those seven days, think about your second topic and mention it in bold and capital letters in your comment form and other social networking sites.

Do this exercise. I am sure you will get more than 100 unique hits per day. Activate Adsense and earn money. Moreover, you will be considered as one of the finest bloggers. Additionally; add all your commentors as your facebook friends. Now you are secured that they will always come back and read your post and comment out of friendship.

This is just my general observation about this strange blgoworld. I did not follow any of these rules for my post. Thus I got a very furious response for the same. My ability to understand law was questioned too. I made a mistake. I did not follow these 10 golden rules. But it is never to late.

PS: The title of this post is “inspired” by the movie – How to lose a guy in Ten days. I am specifically mentioning it here as I do not want people to accuse me of copyright infringement.


ZB said...

its true. But things dont matter so much after a point of time. These days i hate too many comments, coz i have to write a reply for them underneath every comment. Its such a boring affair i hate it. I now want only genuine readers or someone who is a good blogger herself to visit my blog. TC:).

Siddhesh Kabe said...

My last post i specifically put a disclaimer to comment only if u r interested in post... no one visited not even u...:P

Shilpa Garg said...

Good points! There's one more thing... reply to each comment (as blog owner) individually, rather than clubbing 3-4 responses (or more) in a single comment.
So if you got 10 comments, you respond to them individually and thus the number of total comments increase to 20...and like wise!! :D

Mr. Pramathesh™ said...

I thought that I should increase your comment count. So this is the comment.

Karthik Kotresh said...

*clap clap clap* :D
I've come across some blogs, which have more than 200-300 followers, but the quality of the posts/writing sucks big time. Guess they are masters of these 10 rules. :P
Excellently analyzed. ;)

Indian Pundit said...

Hahahahaha........excellent suggestions.

Comments ke liye log kya kya nehi karte!!!!

Neha said...

@ ZB, welcome here..thank you for your comments..it does matter to those who blog for themselves..I hope you get those genuine readers only :)

@ Sid, I did read your post..

@ Shilpa, hahahaha..yes, that's there too..earlier I used to club two responses in one comment..later on when the comments increased, I started clubbing 4-5 together..now almost 10 to 12 responses in one comment :D

@ PB, oh thank you thank you :)

@ Karthik, didn't have to analyze this :P it was all in front of me you see :)

@ IP, comment ke liye saala kuch bhi karega :P

aayanman said...

Thanks for Recommending this Neha ;-)

While letting people know that you exist is not such a bad idea..the fact that it becomes the sole focus for all posts is certainly a bad idea.

I think the idea is to write without a need for approval.If people like it is great if not it s great too.

Bikram said...

wow this blog is so good, this article is so good .. You write wonderfully.. it was a good read.. a bigger WOWOWOWOW...

hope it works for me Now... :)

commited to life said...

nice post..
never seen such an amazing blog
u r truly a gifted writer
liked the way it is written..

p.s was just passing
p.p.s wats ur fb link
p.p.p.s lolz.. but on serious note.. a very nice and thoughtful post
will surely use the formula..

Insignia said...

Geeeezzz...Such blogs are all around us :-D Very very nice. :-D

NR said...

hahaha...well written, so u proved it that blogging is not an art its a science!!

Neha are u sure u never followed these rules..lol...should i buy what a lawyer comes up with..hahahh!!!

Well written ya...n trust me!!

Neha said...

@ Gyanban, welcome here..thank you for your comments..who else but me will agree to your points buddy :)

@ Bikram, I already follow your blog..so try this elsewhere :D

@ Committed to life, welcome here..thank you for your comments..lol @ your comment and good luck for your PPS :D

@ Insignia, yeah re..so very true :)

@ NR, welcome here..thank u for your comments..do you have any other option but to buy what i say? :D I have never followed any of these rules..that's why, my blog has a few readers re :)

narendra said...

haha..it was as though i was learning a flow chart..repeat 2..if else repeat 3...nice post...

PS:i have no new posts to show off..so this cannot be considered as blog hopping..but anyways u can hop over mine..lol..